Cottage Cheese Cookies: Ti skutni piškoti so postali viralni, tukaj je hiter recept
Cottage Cheese Cookies: Ti skutni piškoti so postali viralni, tukaj je hiter recept

Cottage Cheese Cookies: Ti skutni piškoti so postali viralni, tukaj je hiter recept

TikTok je obudil še en gastronomski trend, to poletje pa je to priprava jedi s svežim kravjim sirom. Cottage Cheese everything samo pomeni, da recepti s svežim kravjim sirom doživljajo svojih 5 minut slave. Kot da bi prav vsi ugotovili, kako zdrav je sveži kravji sir, poln kalcija in odličen vir beljakovin, vitaminov in mineralov. Kot tak se odlično poda k številnim slanim in sladkim jedem. V morju receptov izstopajo toasti, palačinke in celo sklede iz svežega sira, popularno imenovane skutne sklede. Ampak danes bomo govorili o piškotih! Viralni piškoti s svežim sirom in koščki čokolade bodo postali vaš najljubši prigrizek!

Cookies sa svježim sirom

I am obsessed with these COTTAGE CHEESE COOKIES. 🍪 They are high in protein, gooey and so easy to make! I've made 5 batches in the past two weeks and we've all loved them... including Isaac (who isn't a fan of cottage cheese)! 🙌 Here's the recipe: 1 cup large curd cottage cheese (I used @Good Culture ) ¼ cup pure maple syrup 1 tsp vanilla 1 cup almond flour 2 Tablespoons melted coconut oil ½ cup vanilla protein powder ½ cup chocolate chips + more for topping 1️⃣ Preheat oven to 350°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2️⃣ In a blender, add the cottage cheese, maple syrup and vanilla. Blend on high until smooth. 3️⃣ In a mixing bowl combine almond flour and protein powder. Add the coconut oil and cottage cheese mixture. 4️⃣ Stir until combined. Fold in the chocolate chips. 5️⃣ Scoop dough onto a prepared baking sheet using a medium cookie scoop and use your hands to flatten the cookies just a bit so they’re in a cookie shape. You can also roll the cookie dough into a ball and then use your hand to flatter for a more uniform shape. Add a couple more chocolate chips on top of each cookie. 6️⃣ Bake for about 15-16 minutes or until the bottom of the cookies are golden brown. Let cool and enjoy! Recipe inspired by @Jake Cohen’s amazing cottage cheese cookie dough! Feel free to sneak a few bites of this cookie dough before baking the cookies because it's delish! Tag me (@eatingbirdfood) if you make these and let me know in the comments if there are any other cottage cheese recipes you’d like to see (or if you're over the cottage cheese trend 🤣) ⬇️ #cottagecheeserecipes #cottagecheesecookies #proteinpackedsnacks #proteincookie #procookie #cottagecheese

♬ Do You Believe in Magic - The Lovin' Spoonful

Piškoti s svežim sirom


  • 1 skodelica svežega kravjega sira
  • 1 skodelica (100 g) mandljeve moke
  • 1 čajna žlička vanilijevega ekstrakta
  • 1/2 skodelice (50 g) vanilijevih beljakovin v prahu
  • 1/2 skodelice čokoladnih koščkov
  • 2 žlici stopljenega kokosovega olja
  • 4 žlice javorjevega sirupa


  • Pečico segrejemo na 180 stopinj.
  • Pekač obložimo s papirjem za peko.
  • V mešalniku zmešajte skuto, vanilijo in javorjev sirup.
  • V skledi zmešamo mandljevo moko in vaniljev protein v prahu. Dodamo kokosovo olje in mešanico skute.
  • Vse dobro premešamo in dodamo koščke čokolade.
  • Oblikujte kroglice in piškote razporedite po peki papirju.
  • Piškote pečemo 15 minut.

Cottage Cheese Chocolate Chip Cookies 🍪 full recipe is on: HungryHappens.Net IB: @Eating Bird Food

♬ original sound - Stella Drivas

Foto: TikTok, Dupe Photos, Pexels

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